Saturday, March 2, 2019

Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinem at Radford University

McConnell Library Archivist, Bud Bennett, has taken the time to transfer original "Different Voices" interviews with these two second wave feminist leaders. Different Voices was a radio show on Radford University campus station WVRU (89.9FM).

In her interview, from 1980, Abzug talks with Jeff Douglas about the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment), which is again in the news as Virginia tries to ratify the amendment first introduced by Alice paul in 1923. Abzug also discusses the lack of women in political office, and her disappointment with Jimmy Carter's lack of support for the ERA and women in general.

Steinem, Interviewed by Cindy Thomas in 1981, discusses the Reagan administration's views on abortion, and what those would mean for women's right to choose. Steinem also discusses the Ms. Foundation, then fewer than 10 years old, and Thomas asks her to speculate about the future (1990), and what Steinem sees as her own contribution to the Women's Movement. Steinem closes with her thoughts about the diversity of the movement at the time.                                                    

Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinem are but two of the prominent Jewish Women in the Women's movement. In fact, the women largely credited with kicking off or leading both the second and third waves of feminism, Betty Friedan, Steinem, Susan Faludi, Rebecca Walker, and Naomi Wolf, are all Jewish. You can hear more about these women, and others, at Samantha Green's Women's History Month talk on March 28 at 4:00pm in Heth 22. 

Also stay tuned for RU's participation in the 3rd annual campus ERA day, April 15, 6:00-7:30. One of the speakers for this live streamed event is Gloria Steinem.