March 1 Opening Reception. Welcome Address: President Penelope Kyle. Keynote Speaker: Professor Hilary Lips (Psychology) “The Gender Pay Gap: Where Do Women Stand Now?” 3:30 Bonnie Auditorium. Film: Miss Representation 5:30 Bonnie Auditorium
March 1 National Eating Disorder Awareness Week 10—2 Bonnie Lobby (Sponsors Peer Educators & SHAC)
March 12 Professor I-Ping Fu (Foreign Languages) “Looking Back, Looking In and Looking Forward: Being a Chinese Woman in Modern DayTaiwan” 2:00 Heth 22
March 12 Professor Nitza Kats (Music) “Almost Spring” Piano Recital (Sponsor CVPA) 8:00 Performance Hall, Covington Center
March 13 Circle of Life Intergenerational Dialogue (50+) Lee Carter (SAVES) & Professor Jenessa Steele (Psychology) 12:30 Heth 14
March 13 Professors danah bella, Margaret Devaney, and Deborah McLaughlin (Dance) Paradigm Shift: An Evening of Women’s Work 7:30 Albig Studio Theatre, Peters Hall
March 14 Professor Carlee Bradbury and students: Sara Briers, Jenny Johnstone, Lynn Baluh (Art) "Medieval Women Shaping their Futures with Books" 12:00 Heth 16
March 14 Professor Rebecca Scheckler (School of Nursing) “Women's Use of the Internet to Create Social Change” 4:00 Heth 22
March 15 Stephen Vetter, Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow, “Women in International Development” 11:00 Heth 14
March 15 Student Presentations on Women and Gender 6:30 Hurlburt 249/250
March 16 Professor Lucinda McDermott Piro (Theatre) Play Reading: “A Most Silent Train: Abby Kelley and the Underground Railroad” 6:00 Bonnie Auditorium
March 19 Professor Joseph Jones (Teacher Education & Leadership) Viewing and Discussion: “Beyond the Silence” Documentary onHomophobia in Schools and Universities" 3:00 Bonnie Auditorium
March 20 Circle of Life Intergenerational Dialogue (30s/40s) Lee Carter (SAVES) & Professor Jenessa Steele (Psychology) 12:30 Heth 14
March 20 Professor Roann Barris (Art History) Viewing and Discussion: "Women, Art, and Revolution" 2:00 Bonnie Auditorium
March 21 Professor Dana Cochran (Women’s Studies) “Boarding Houses, Hotels, and Mansions: Appalachian Women as Property Owners inTurn-of-the-Century Bramwell, W VA” 2:00 Bonnie 249/250
March 21 Professor Mythianne Shelton with Students Haley Lee and Brooke Myers (Physics) “Women Educators Bringing Arctic Research to K-12 Classrooms in Barrow, Alaska” 5:00 Heth 043
March 22 Dr. Kathy Jordan “Leadership Principles of Wise Women” 4:00 Bonnie 249/250
March 23 Professor Anja Whittington (Recreation, Parks, & Tourism) “Adventure Girls: Rationale and Benefits of Adventure Recreation Programs for Girls” 1:00 Bonnie 249/250
March 26 Professor Roann Barris and Students (Art History) "The Dinner Party: Feminist Art or Pornography?" 5:00 Heth 16
March 27 Circle of Life Intergenerational Dialogue(teens/20s) Lee Carter (SAVES) & Professor Jenessa Steele (Psychology) 12:30 Heth 14
March 27 Professor Suchitra Samantha (Virginia Tech) Reading from Sanctuary: Stories of Kolkata, its Gods, and its People 7:00 Heth 43
March 28, 29: Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues. Directed by Professor Diane Montgomery (Theatre); Starring Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community Members. Sponsored by: Office of the Provost, CPC, GSA, SHAC, QEP, Women’s Studies Program, Women’s Studies Club) 6:00 Bonnie Auditorium
March 29: Professor Diane Hodge (Social Work) “Transformation at Mid-Life: Activism Internally and Externally” 10:00 a. m. Bonnie 249/250
March 30: Professors Theresa Burriss (Appalachian Studies/ English), Deborah McLaughlin (Dance), Rick VanNoy (English), Tim Filbert (Community Engagement), Gabriella Smith (Sociology) “Women, the Arts, andSocial Change: Challenging the Commodification of People and Nature” 1:00 Heth 22
March 31: Closing Remarks, Provost Sam Minner Final Performance of The Vagina Monologues Closing Reception 2:00 Bonnie Auditorium
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