Thursday, March 22, 2012

Women's Studies Courses Being Offered at Radford University: Summer/Fall 2012

May Term 2012

ENGL 314 Women and Drama MTWRF 8:00 am-10:45 am Renee A. Dickinson 
HUMD 300 Human Growth and Development: Birth through Adolescence MTWRF 11:00 am-01:45 pm Boyoung Park
PSYC 343 Social Psychology MTWRF11:00 am-01:45 pm Peter N. Christensen
PSYC 393 Psychology of Human Sexuality MTWRF 08:00 am-10:45 am Tracy J. Cohn

Summer I 2012

ARTH 431 War, Women, and Film: The Surrealist Muse MTWR 11:00 am-01:15 pm Roann Barris
HUMD 300 Human Growth and Development: Birth through Adolescence TWR 5:00-8:00pm Glenna S. Gustafson

Summer II 2012

CRJU 365 Diversity Issues in the Criminal Justice System MW 02:00 pm-04:15 pm Bakhitah B. Abdul-Ra'uf
HUMD 300 Human Growth and Development: Birth through Adolescence TR 12:00 pm-04:30 pm Boyoung Park

Fall 2012

ARTH 301/431 - (Bridging Art History) American Women in the Arts MW 4- 5:15pm Roann Barris
CORE 201-55 “Ins” and “Outs”-Sex, Gender & Identity in Pop Culture TR 11:00 am-12:15 pm Shalin Krieger
CORE 201-59 “Ins” and “Outs”-Sex, Gender & Identity in Pop Culture TR 12:30-12:45 pm Shalin Krieger
CRJU 365 Diversity Issues in the Criminal Justice System MWF 11:00 am-11:50 am Lori A. Elis
CRJU 365 Diversity Issues in the Criminal Justice System MWF 12:00 pm-12:50 pm Lori A. Elis
CRJU 365 Diversity Issues in the Criminal Justice System W 6:00 pm-9:00 pm Lori A. Elis
ENGL 453 The Female Literary Tradition TR 12:30-1:45 Renee A. Dickinson
HUMD 300 Human Growth and Development: Birth through Adolescence TR 09:30 am-10:45 am Staff
HUMD 300 Human Growth and Development: Birth through Adolescence M05:00 pm-08:00 pm Staff
HUMD 300 Human Growth and Development: Birth through Adolescence TR11:00 am-12:15 pm Staff
HUMD 300 Human Growth and Development: Birth through Adolescence TR 2:00 pm-3:15 pm Staff
HUMD 300 Human Growth and Development: Birth through Adolescence W 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Staff
HUMD 300 Human Growth and Development: Birth through Adolescence M 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Staff
NUTR 316 Nutrition in the Life Cycle I: Maternal and Child W 05:00 pm-07:45 pm Staff
PSYC 250 Psychology of Diversity TR 11:00 am-12:15 pm Valerie S. Leake
PSYC 343 Social Psychology TR 08:00 am-09:15 am Staff
PSYC 343 Social Psychology MWF 08:00 am-08:50 am Jared J. Caughron
PSYC 343 Social Psychology TR 09:30 am-10:45 am Peter N. Christensen
RELN 305 Religion and Women MWF 09:00 am-09:50 am Kay K. Jordan
SOCY 250 Social Inequality MWF 03:00 pm-03:50 pm Elizabeth C. Lyman
SOCY 389 Sociology of the Family TR 03:30 pm-04:45 pm Carla Corroto
WMST 101 Women in the World: Introduction to Women's Studies MWF 11:00 am-11:50 am Michele D. Ren
WMST 101 Women in the World: Introduction to Women's Studies MWF 12:00 pm-12:50 pm Michele D. Ren
WMST 101 Women in the World: Introduction to Women's Studies TR 11:00 am-12:15 pm Staff

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Women's History Month at Radford University

March 1 Opening Reception. Welcome Address: President Penelope Kyle. Keynote Speaker: Professor Hilary Lips (Psychology) “The Gender Pay Gap: Where Do Women Stand Now?” 3:30 Bonnie Auditorium. Film: Miss Representation 5:30 Bonnie Auditorium

March 1 National Eating Disorder Awareness Week 10—2 Bonnie Lobby (Sponsors Peer Educators & SHAC)

March 12 Professor I-­Ping Fu (Foreign Languages) “Looking Back, Looking In and Looking Forward: Being a Chinese Woman in Modern DayTaiwan” 2:00 Heth 22

March 12 Professor Nitza Kats (Music) “Almost Spring” Piano Recital (Sponsor CVPA) 8:00 Performance Hall, Covington Center

March 13 Circle of Life Intergenerational Dialogue (50+) Lee Carter (SAVES) & Professor Jenessa Steele (Psychology) 12:30 Heth 14

March 13 Professors danah bella, Margaret Devaney, and Deborah McLaughlin (Dance) Paradigm Shift: An Evening of Women’s Work 7:30 Albig Studio Theatre, Peters Hall

March 14 Professor Carlee Bradbury and students: Sara Briers, Jenny Johnstone, Lynn Baluh (Art) "Medieval Women Shaping their Futures with Books" 12:00 Heth 16

March 14 Professor Rebecca Scheckler (School of Nursing) “Women's Use of the Internet to Create Social Change” 4:00 Heth 22

March 15 Stephen Vetter, Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow, “Women in International Development” 11:00 Heth 14

March 15 Student Presentations on Women and Gender 6:30 Hurlburt 249/250

March 16 Professor Lucinda McDermott Piro (Theatre) Play Reading: “A Most Silent Train: Abby Kelley and the Underground Railroad” 6:00 Bonnie Auditorium

March 19 Professor Joseph Jones (Teacher Education & Leadership) Viewing and Discussion: “Beyond the Silence” Documentary onHomophobia in Schools and Universities" 3:00 Bonnie Auditorium

March 20 Circle of Life Intergenerational Dialogue (30s/40s) Lee Carter (SAVES) & Professor Jenessa Steele (Psychology) 12:30 Heth 14

March 20 Professor Roann Barris (Art History) Viewing and Discussion: "Women, Art, and Revolution" 2:00 Bonnie Auditorium

March 21 Professor Mythianne Shelton with Students Haley Lee and Brooke Myers (Physics) “Women Educators Bringing Arctic Research to K-­12 Classrooms in Barrow, Alaska” 5:00 Heth 043

March 22 Dr. Kathy Jordan “Leadership Principles of Wise Women” 4:00 Bonnie 249/250

March 23 Professor Anja Whittington (Recreation, Parks, & Tourism) “Adventure Girls: Rationale and Benefits of Adventure Recreation Programs for Girls” 1:00 Bonnie 249/250

March 26 Professor Roann Barris and Students (Art History) "The Dinner Party: Feminist Art or Pornography?" 5:00 Heth 16

March 27 Circle of Life Intergenerational Dialogue(teens/20s) Lee Carter (SAVES) & Professor Jenessa Steele (Psychology) 12:30 Heth 14

March 27 Professor Suchitra Samantha (Virginia Tech) Reading from Sanctuary: Stories of Kolkata, its Gods, and its People 7:00 Heth 43

March 28, 29:  Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues. Directed by Professor Diane Montgomery (Theatre); Starring Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community Members. Sponsored by: Office of the Provost, CPC, GSA, SHAC, QEP, Women’s Studies Program, Women’s Studies Club) 6:00 Bonnie Auditorium

March 29: Professor Diane Hodge (Social Work) “Transformation at Mid-­Life: Activism Internally and Externally” 10:00 a. m. Bonnie 249/250

March 30: Professors Theresa Burriss (Appalachian Studies/ English), Deborah McLaughlin (Dance), Rick VanNoy (English), Tim Filbert (Community Engagement), Gabriella Smith (Sociology) “Women, the Arts, andSocial Change: Challenging the Commodification of People and Nature” 1:00 Heth 22

March 31: Closing Remarks, Provost Sam Minner Final Performance of The Vagina Monologues Closing Reception 2:00 Bonnie Auditorium

Friday, March 2, 2012

RU Distinguished Women Announced

As part of our Women's History Month celebration, the Women's Studies Program
would like to announce the names of the faculty, staff and students selected for
our RU Distinguished Women Poster Project.

A subcommittee of the Women's Studies Committee called for nominees from
the colleges. The selection criteria were: 1) the student, faculty, and staff
persons nominated have shown extraordinary commitment to learning or
to their profession, 2) they have demonstrated the desire to use that
learning or professional skill to contribute to the betterment of society,
and 3) they are an inspirational model for others.

The selection subcommittee made final selections, accepting all the
nominees from colleges that responded, and adding to the list of
honorees women whose work significantly supports the goals and
values of Women's Studies, including a concern for social justice and
service to others.

Starting on March 12, when we return from spring break, we will
display 13 photo/posters each week, with each one highlighting one
of our honorees. By March 31, we will have honored 39 unique and
wonderful RU distinguished women.

RU Distinguished Women Honorees, 2012:
Alison ArmstrongStaffMcConnell Library
Dr. Liz AltieriFacultyCEHD—Special Education
Christal BentonStudentCHBS
Ann BrownStaffCSAT
Dr. Virginia BurggrafFacultyWCHHS--Nursing
Christine CarterStaffCHBS
Lee CarterStaffDean of Students--SAVES
Paige CordialStudentCHBS—Psy.D.
Hilda Dickerson
StaffFood Services
Dr. Deneen EvansAP(Faculty)WCHHS—Social Work
Erin FowlerStudentCSAT—Biology, Senior
Dr. I-Ping FuFacultyCHBS—Foreign Languages
Dr. Christine HermannFacultyCSAT--Chemistry
Kashia HoganStudentCOBE—MBA (Dec. graduate)
Stephanie House-NiamkeStudentCOBE--Marketing
Sarah KenneyStaffStudent Health Services
Penelope KylePresident
Shannon LandesStudentWCHHS—O.T.
Emily LatimerStudentPscyhology, Senior
Harriet (Jenene) LewisStaffWCHHS
Dr. Hilary LipsFacultyCHBS--Psychology
Rhonda McCroskeyStaffCHBS—Exec. Sec. to Dean
Deborah McLaughlinFacultyCVPA--Dance
Elizabeth MooreStudentWCHHS—School of Social Work
Kiersten NewtoffStudentCSAT--Environmental Biology
Lucinda McDermott PiroAdj.Fac.CVPA--Theatre
Dr. Michele RenFacultyCHBS—English
Arielle RettingStudentCHBS—Journalism
Colleen RobertsStaffCampus Police Chief
Lauren RobinsonStudentCHED--ESHE
Gabriella SmithFacultyCHBS--Sociology
Dr. Sumati SrinivasFacultyCOBE--Economics
Dr. Andrea StanalandFacultyCOBE--Marketing
Dr. Fran SteigerwaldFacultyCEHE—CounselorEd
Dr. Jill StewartFacultyCSAT--Math
Susan UnderwoodStaffCSAT
Kimberly VestStaffDean of Students
Dr. Erin Webster-GarrettFac/AdminEnglish/QEP
Teresa WhittStaffWCHHS—ComSci&Disorders