Thursday, February 21, 2013

RU Women's History Month 2013, Weavers of Hope: Women Waging Peace

March 4, 4:00, Heth 14. Opening Film: Beyond Belief. 9/11 widows reach out to the widows of Afghanistan

March 5, 3:00, Bonnie 249/250. Professor Joseph Jones (Teacher Education & Leadership). “Homophobia on the College Campus: What Can We Learn from Virginia’s Colleges and Universities?”

March 5, 5:00, Heth 14. Professors Mary Atwell, Lori Elis, Lucy Hochstein and Samantha Lynn (Criminal Justice). “Gender and Justice Issues”

March 6, 1:00, Heth 16. Circle of Life Intergenerational Dialogue (50+ inner circle) Professor Jenessa Steele (Psychology)

March 6, 5:00, Heth 43. Film: Generation M: Misogyny in Media & Culture

March 6, 6:30, Heth 43. Film: I Came to Testify. Victims of rape camps in Bosnia bear witness to crimes against humanity at International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

March 7, 2:00, Bonnie 249/250. Film: Tough Guise: Violence, Media, & the Crisis in Masculinity

March 7, 3:30, Bonnie 249/250. Dr. Kathleen Barry, author of Unmaking War, Remaking Men. “Overcoming Masculine Violence in War and at Home: A Call to Action”

March 7, 5:00, Heth 22. Dr. Kathleen Barry. A Program for Women and Men: Creating Empathy, Building Activism

March 7, 7:00. Potluck dinner with Dr. Kathleen Barry

March 18, 4:00, Muse Banquet Hall. Mary Stewart Atwell, author of Wild Girls. Fiction reading and book signing

March 19, 3:30, Bonnie 250. Dr. Rebecca Scheckler (Educational Technologist Waldron College) “Women as Outliers in Science”

March 20, 1:00, Heth 16. Circle of Life Intergenerational Dialogue (30s and 40sinner circle) Professor Jenessa Steele (Psychology)

March 20, 5:00, Young 305. Film: Pray the Devil back to Hell. 2011 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Leymah Gbowee leads Liberian women in their activism to stop the civil war and oust dictator Charles Taylor

March 21, 12:00, Bonnie 248. “Diversity Dialogue: Intersections among Women’s Issues and LGBTQ Issues”

March 21, 2:00, Bonnie 250. Film: “Flirting with Danger.” Examines the line between consent and coercion in heterosexual relationships and hook-ups

March 21, 3:30, Bonnie 248. Marisa Fraley, James Grenier, Jonathan Kirk, John McGee, & James Stratton (Mathematics) “Emmy Noether: A Pioneer in Mathematics”

March 21, 4:30, Bonnie 249/250. Professor David Floyd (CORE). “Love (& not-so-lovely) Poems.” Poetry reading

March 22, 2:00—4:00, Heth 43. Women in Science Symposium. Paper Presenters: Professor Donna C. Boyd (Forensic Science Institute), “Redefining Activism though Scientific ‘Truths,’ Impartiality, and Objectivity,” and Professor Sara O’Brien (Biology), “Building the Future of Women in Science.” Discussion Panelists: Professors Georgia Hammond (Biology), Christine Hermann (Chemistry), Elizabeth McClellan (Geology), Tara Phelps-Durr (Biology), Cassady Urista (Anthropological Sciences)

March 22 & March 23, 7:30, Peters Albig Studio Theatre, B112. Student Dance Concert: Celebrating Women’s History Month

March 25, 4:00, Heth 43. Ms. Crasha Perkins (Director, Center for Diversity and Inclusion) and Professor Deneen Evans (School of Social Work). “Popular Media and Socially Constructed Images of BlackWomen, 1930-2013”

March 26, 4:00, Bonnie Auditorium. Kathy Kelly: International Peace Activist and Coordinator of Voices for Creative Non-Violence. “The Afghan Peace Volunteers: Weaving Peace in the Midst of the Longest U. S. War” 

March 27, 1:00, Heth 16. Circle of Life Intergenerational Dialogue (20s & under inner circle) Professor Jenessa Steele (Psychology)

March 27 & March 28, 6:00, Bonnie Auditorium. Performance: Eve Ensler’s TheVagina Monologues. Lucinda McDermott-Piro, Director. Tickets available at

March 28, 2:00, Bonnie 250. Film: The Invisible War. Oscar-nominated documentary about the epidemic of sexual assault in the military. Department of Defense has estimated 19,000 cases of rape and sexual assault in 2010.

March 29, 4:00, Covington Lobby, Closing Reception with President Kyle in Honor of Radford University Women’s Studies Program Distinguished Women for 2013. All members of the Radford University community are cordially invited to attend

March 30, 2:00 Performance: Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues. Before the performance, Professor Erin Webster-Garrett will offer some final reflections upon Women’s History Month.
Tickets available at